Voyages et destinations internationales

Course Description: Voyages et Destinations is a complete description of geography and international travel; notably current trends and cultural behavior; popular destinations and international tourism organizations as well as major international travel transportation modes and routes. A comparative approach and evaluation of national and international destinations, organization, management and marketing. Objectives: • Geography: This course approaches geography from a travel industry perspective. Important touristic destinations receive detailed treatment in chapters of their own. • Sale: Treats geography as something the travel industry sells. To be able to match clients to destinations and services is the key to the travel industry success. • Memory: this course uses many educational devices to make sure that the student remembers what he learns. • Tailored maps: it utilizes simplified maps to give special attention to cities and areas that tourist frequent • Theory: to foster a better understanding of planning itineraries and of developing a successful destination…

Temps présentiel : 21 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 9 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Atelier pratique, Circuit touristique, Cours magistral, Examen écrit, Examen final, Examen partiel, Travail de groupes, Visites de terrain

Référence :
Mancini, M. 2010. Selling Destinations: Geography for the Travel Professional, by Delmar Cengage Learning; 5 edition (around 600 pages) MC Nally, R. 2011. Exploring the World by The Travel Institute, 3rd Edition (Around 450 pages)

Méthode(s) d'enseignement : Cours magistral, Étude de textes, Exercices d’application, Exposés, Travail de groupes, Travail sur le terrain, Travaux dirigés

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
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